Welcome to Susan's Met Monday! Met Monday is chalk full of wonderful before's and afters. Be sure to check out Susan's blog
http://betweennapsontheporch.blogspot.com/ to see more wonderful Met Monday posts. Several years ago I was really wanting a Hall Tree for my house. The one's I liked the most were made by the Amish. While shopping at a little mall one day, my hubby and I came across the perfect one. One problem, he had nothing to measure with and we didn't have a camera with us. Now my husband Dan teaches woodworking and Building Construction- beginner to advanced courses. Being the resourceful teacher that he is, he found a piece of paper, pencil and began sketching. Did I mention we had no tape measure. Well, he just happens to wear a size 12 shoe, so he used his foot as his measuring guide. Pretty Resourceful Hey!

Here is the sketch he made that day, with only his size 12 shoe as a guide.

Several weeks later, my new hall tree! He made it out of Red Oak. (Click on any pic to enlarge)

A closer view of the bottom.

A closer view of the top. My contribution was moral support and the little cushion I made. If you missed my first Met Monday Post, you can view it directly below this post. Thanks for stopping and have a great Monday. Cindy