Hi friends, I didn't really try to be missing in action but somehow things just got a little bit crazy. For starters, I have been babysitting my very active almost 18 month old grand-daughter full time and then some.
And the weather went from winter to summer in a matter of days! So Addison and I have been outside feeding bunnies....
Swinging on swings!
Taking babies for stroller rides.
Chasing kitties and birds!
Sweeping gravel drive-ways with an old broom! (not an easy task I might add).
More swinging!
Trying out her first pedal bike... Well the weather has changed back to a more seasonal March. Things are still greening up, budding and growing but just not so quickly. My lilac trees are full of buds and I am hoping we don't get a late hard freeze.
And then one day when I had a few free hours I decided to make a spring wreath for my mantel. My mantel/fireplace stone is dark so I wanted it to be bright and cheery!
I added some little white birds from Michael's along with my birdhouse decor. Nothing was new except the flowers to make the wreath and the little white birdies. I certainly have been missing my blogging buddies and will be along to visit with you all soon! Lately when I've been finished with babysitting I've been so exhausted I just kind of fall into bed. But now I have a few days to catch up! Happy Week-end friends! Cindy I am joining the following blog parties.
Hi friends, This is going to be a potpourri when it comes to posts and blog parties! You see, so many to do so little time right now. Here we have little Calista modeling the St. Patty's Day outfit her Grandma bought for her. I don't do much in the way of decorating for St. Patrick's Day but I wanted to join Cuisine Kathleen for her St. Patrick's Day blog crawl.
And look how happy Calista is to be joining in! This little girl comes by it naturally as she has a good deal of Irish in her!
We even made sure to get a pic of her little shamrock behind!
My friend Marty ( A stroll thru life) is also having a blog party! Cloches are hard for me so I just added some Easter grass, eggs and a ribbon to this apothecary jar. Along with some bunnies that are driving my little grand-daughter Addison crazy, ( she wants to play with them) .
I also realized that I really only have one real cloche and it's this wire one. Now before Marty's next party I need to do some serious cloche shopping! This vignette features a pear tree under my one and only cloche, a floral arrangement and a pair of vintage WWII binoculars. Heck I only paid a buck for them at an auction and they still work really well.
I am thrilled to say we are getting some unusually warm weather here. All of the snow has melted and we are supposed to be in the mid-seventies on Wednesday!
The deer have been very busy in our yard! I can only hope it stays nice but honestly it's only March and we still get snow sometimes in March. Now please go visit our lovely hostesses and have a wonderful week everyone! Cindy
My trip to Phoenix was way too short! When little Calista first laid eyes on me she burst into tears...not good for my Grandma ego. But I came prepared with toys and before long I had bribed her into my lap. After that we became the best of friends!
Oh my, when this little girl is happy (which is most of the time) she makes a little noise that sounds just like a puppy! It's just the cutest thing..of course being her Grandma I think she is perfect!
Besides bonding with Calista it was fun to see her Mommy and Daddy too. I miss them so but they seem happy and are such good parents to this little gal!
On Friday, I met up with some of my favorite gals! All of us are bloggers and this has become our tradition to meet and then shop a little too! I am sure you recognize many of them. From left to right. Karen (Some Days are Diamonds) came from Cali! I so love this gal! She has driven over several times when I was in town and she's brave enough to boldly go anywhere around Phoenix to give me a ride! Next is Ceekay (Thinking of Home) she has a heart of gold and is such a hoot! Marty ( A Stroll thru Life) who I got to spend the afternoon with shopping and visiting. Oh we had so much fun!! As you can all imagine, Marty has the energy of someone half her age and she has such an eye for shopping. I like to just watch and learn, yes she's that good! Then there is the very sweet and talented Laura at Decor to Adore, your's truly, Jamie at Mimi's Corner, Jamie has become such a good friend! She is so energetic and upbeat, a real life doll! And the talented and sweet Liz from Rose Vignettes. It was a great afternoon and I am so happy to have these gals in my life. I want to thank you all so very much for the prayers you sent our way~! I know the power of prayer and some of my prayers were answered with help from all of you! With a grateful heart, Cindy
Welcome to Applestone Cottage. My husband Dan and I bought this cottage in the hills of Western Wisconsin 2 years ago. My husband Dan is a building construction and woodworking teacher at our local high school. He loves to build and I love to decorate on a shoe-string budget. With an empty nest looming, we wanted to take our life in a new direction. We found our little stone cottage on 2 acres surrounded by apple trees. Hence, Applestone Cottage began. Please join us as we turn on little cottage in the country into an inviting little home. Cindy