An inside pic, doesn't he appear real!
On November 10th, 1975 the Edmund Fitzgerald struggled towards Whitefish Bay. The Captain radioed that it was the worse seas he had ever seen, when suddenly the light and radio beacon at Whitefish Point went off. The captain and his crew were left to navigate this horrible storm alone without any homing equipment
An outdoor view of the museum, lighthouse and more at Whitefish Point.
The Edmund Fitzgerald story.
More Pics along Lake Superior's rugged shore.
Pictured Rock along the UP. Scroll on down for my original post.
Welcome to my first Outdoor Wednesday, sponsored by our lovely hostess Susan at Please visit her site for more lovely postings. This is a pic I took last summer along Lake Michigan. I don't have the greatest digital camera, but it was just starting to get light out, and I thought I would give it a try!
This pretty waterfall is Tahquamenon Falls. Located along Michigan's Upper Peninsula, it's a big one, and it gets it's color from the iron ore that was mined in this area. The color made it look like a big root beer float, and I kept thinking I could reach out and drink it!
Pictured Rocks lake shore located along Michigan's Upper Peninsula goes for almost 20 miles and is a colorful expanse of forest -topped rocks. This was truly a breathtaking tour, and one I would truly like to take again. It was so peaceful and the water was a stunning turquoise color. Thanks for stopping by, Cindy