
Old Decrepit table gets brand new look!

We've had this old picnic table for like a gazillion years!  It's warped, splintering and all around un-balanced.
I wanted a new and improved version like the cheery and bright one's I've seen around bloggyland.
My industrious hubby, being ever so frugal and handy, declared "that he could make it look a lot better and maybe as good as new."

First thing industrious hubby did was to literally tear this baby apart.  OOPS you say, but he has a plan.
He planed all these pieces down and ....

he went to work priming and painting.  Several coats for each piece.

Can you see where he's going here? He used an outdoor oil based paint and primer so that it will hold up to the elements better. 
And now the task of putting it back together again. It was originally put together with nails which were all bent and pretty much useless.  Dan used screws which will hold better and make it more sturdy.


Ta-da!  New and improved old picnic table with a new look.

I think it looks pretty spiffy!

I like the red and white it fits our outside decor. 
I also ordered a navy umbrella for it as this side of the house get's a lot of sun.
See how green it is out there?  We've had a lot of rain and a lot of sun and things are as green as can be.
Next week is our local county fair.  I love Fair's and I have a few things to enter.  I will share those with you a little later.
Have a great week everyone!

I am adding to the following blog parties.
Please check them out when you have time.
Between Naps on the Porch for Met. Monday
Southern Hospitality for Thrifty Treasures


  1. Cindy it looks absolutely beautiful! I love the red and white and I love that it is the old table renewed!

  2. Hi Cindy Sweetie...
    Oh what a beautiful job handy husband did with this picnic table. It is just precious and oh how it fits Applestone Cottage now. I just love it. It is bright and festive, and will make you smile everytime you look at it. It will now last for many more years to come.

    Oh thank you for sharing today. Why even the deer will be taking a second look. I love it.

    I did not get good news at the dr. on Friday. They put me on 2 more weeks of no voice, especially at work. They did not take me off of the steroids, which makes me sad. It is causing me to hurt in places I didn't know existed. Then they sat me down to tell me, that I may not get my voice back. I am very hoarse and quite raspy. They coughing for 3 months did some damage to my vocal cords, so this may be as good as it gets. I cried. I love to visit, and now my only method may be writing or typing. I am praying for "HOPE".

    I pray you are having a beautiful Sunday sweet friend. I hope to see you next time you visit.

    Many hugs and much love, Sherry

  3. Cindy, your DH is so clever. I love th red and white. How great is that. It really does look like new and how fun to have a large picnic table. Your yard is gorgeous too. So hot here, I sure hope it cools off soon. Hugs, Marty

  4. WOW!!! What a transformation!!! Most people would have missed that opportunity and thrown it away!! I just LOVE it when people take the time to restore, refurbish, SAVE things instead of throwing them away and buying another. Great Job!!!

  5. OMG Cindy this don't look like the same table now...I need to show Len this one as we also have one that has seen better days ha ha!! Is it Redwood because I heard paint won't stick to redwood...Love the Red/White combo and your right it looks wonderful at your home girl...Apple Red what's not to love...can't wait to see what you made for the fair...I entered ours like 12 years ago and got me a Blue ribbion for a lamp shade I made ha ha!! That just made my whole week to get a ribbon...Have a GREAT Sunday my friend...Hugs and smiles Gl♥ria

  6. Hi Cindy, your table is absolutely gorgeous. Love the colors!

    Thanks for joining the Rooster Party....so good to have you with us.

    Hugs, Barb ♥

  7. Cindy it looks wonderful! Like a brand new table. I can't wait to see it with the navy umbrella!

  8. This is my first visit to your blog. When I saw the red and white of the picnic table I thought "hmmm, wonder if they live in Wisconsin" since those are true Badger colors! And you do. And in a beautiful part of Wisconsin. Some friends of mine have a 2nd home outside of Viroqua and I love to visit them and their home. Originally from Wis; now finishing out my (paying) work life in San Diego.

    I love it that you and others don't just throw things away--it's so rewarding to give something a 2nd life. And I love the picture of your cat Cocoa, sleeping wih its tongue showing. My cat's tongue sometimes shows when she is sleeping soundly--it's so sweet.

  9. The red and white fits the decor of your house AND it's a GREAT Badger's table now!!!!

  10. Wow...I think it looks better than new, love the colors! I'm double reading, so I just read your post about Estes Park. We have friends there right now and she has been sending me pictures. It looks so beautiful, although I'm not sure how I'd do driving up those mountains! I'm a bit of a chicken in the car.

    After this weather, I think a little snow and cool temps sounds wonderful...loved seeing the pictures, thanks!

  11. wow what a transformation...great job...

  12. Wow!! That looks like it's brand new! Awesome job! Thanks for sharing. Can't wait to see what you are entering in the fair. Enjoy your week!

  13. WOWZA...what a handi-man! It looks fantastic..I would love a picnic there. We have one like that, hubby painted it with some left over paint...I want it to be red now..very nice! :D

  14. Cindy-Glad you kept the table and you should DEFINITELY keep the husband :)!! It looks brand new and I love the colors! Congratulations on becoming a grandmother--I am envious, but biding my time (quietly, I hope :)

  15. Cindy. That table is seriously adorable. Give that hubby an extra squeeze. He deserves it.

  16. Great transformation! Red is one of my favorite colors.

    Have a great week! La

  17. Cindy, that table is fantastic! I love it....and it's free, but even BETTER!!! Way to go hubby! Linda

  18. I'd say 'ta-da', what a super makeover! Kudos to both you and hubby. I sure wish ya'll could send us some of your rainy abundance. It's drier then a menopausal woman down in the holler!!! Heeehehehe!!!

    God bless ya and have a glorious day sweetie!!!

  19. Hi Cindy,
    He did a great job sprucing up the picnic table.
    He's quite a handyman. I like the colors too.


  20. That is truly an amazing transformation!! Now that's an incredible picnic table, probably the best looking I've ever seen. Your hubby did good.

  21. What a great transformation! I love the new bright colors. Sounds like it's going to be really sturdy too! Thanks so much for sharing and the inspiration!

  22. Can't look at the table w/o saying Roll Tide!
    Dropping by from Met Monday.

  23. Your DH did a wonderful job. Your table is gorgeous! I have been visiting your lovely blog and I loved looking at the "Cottage Face Lift" your hubby did a fantastic job on the doors! Your cottage is beautiful!

  24. Perfectly Spiffy! You'd never know it was the same table.

  25. Now that is a huge improvement. Wow. Clever man, no wonder you keep him around.

  26. Oh Cindy...I adore the county fair when we were in WI and I always entered items in. I won Best in Show for an antique quilt one year...I still have that ribbon!!
    Your table is beautiful and the red and white is perfect!

  27. Fantastic turn out!!!! Now to keep the birds away???? LOL

  28. I know some warped , splintered and out of balance people! I think it will take more than paint!
    Dan did a great job on the table. He, and it...keepers!

  29. So much work, but so worth all the effort - it looks fantastic! Terrific work!!

  30. It looks incredible. I think I would have given up on it if I'd had it, but your husband definitely turned it into something beautiful. What a talented guy!

  31. Cindy,
    The picnic table looks wonderful!!! Great job!

  32. Wow, that came out great, Cindy. Nothing better than a man that knows his way around a bag of tools and a can of paint!

  33. Congrats on the classy makeover...I would have never thought it would be that great!!!

  34. Your husband did a great job on the table !!
    Have a great weekend.

  35. Your hubby did a wonderful job on that picnic table! It does look brand new and now you can enjoy it for many more years to come!

    Hugs XX

  36. Wow, such a handy hubby comes in handy!
    What vision he had, love the two colors he chose!

  37. Hi Cindy
    Oh wow! Your table is beautiful! Your husband is just way too clever and handy. He did an amazing job and the colour is sooo good! It looks so wonderful where it is placed complementing the white! Great job!
    hope you had a great weekend

  38. Your table is beautiful! I have a table and swing that need to be redone,you have me thinking.

  39. Wow Cindy, he did a fantastic job. It looks so good and goes so well with your cottage.

  40. I'd say it looks absolutely gorgeous... shame hubby can't find more old tables to re-do, I'd think he'd make a killing if he sold them!
    Thanks for stopping by Cindy.
    Hugs Denise

  41. Wow, great transformation, now it has a who new life. Your yard is so pretty, enjoy the fair.

  42. Wow,
    I can't believe that is the same table. Truly amazing. I suggest you keep your Hubby around for a long time!

  43. Spiffy indeed! It's fabulous! I wish we were as handy round our house! Hubby always brings things home with good intentions...

  44. Wow! Cindy I love it. It brings back memories of a picnic table we had when I was a child. DH did a fabulous job and the colors.....perfect!!!!! Hugs, Loretta

  45. Lotsa red- gotta love it, Cindy! It's a brand new table and Dan did a great job. How fun it'll be to have a little lunch on it. Of course, if it's not too hot out. It has finally cooled down here today. A whopping 75 degrees and little humidity. whew! a relief that is very welcome. Have a great week ahead. hugs, Sue

  46. Wow, Cindy, I love that red and white paint job on your picnic table! Kudos to your hubby!

  47. It looks mighty spiffy, Cindy! Hubby did a fantastic job on it.

  48. Hi Cindy! Oh, what a man you have! I love how your table looks! So pretty on your porch!!
    Thanks for popping in to see me. Your time will come for grandma time! :)
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  49. Wow. That is the cutest picnic table I've seen. I had no idea they could look so good. Love the colors also!

  50. Now, that is an amazing makeover! Just amazing, Cindy! Your DH gets a BRAVO shout from me!


    Sheila :-)

  51. Oh, it looks just wonderful now. Goes so well with your bistro set and your red decor. Good job!

  52. What a great finished project. It looks like a brand new table with an expensive finish. I love the colors. thanks for sharing.

  53. I love this!! We have an old picnic table that my husband made about 30 years ago. Can't wait to show this to him. He has so many other things on his list that this will have to wait. Oh boy, I can't wait to see how ours turns out. Your husband did a great job.

  54. You are darn tooting it looks spiffy. Great job AGAIN Dan.
    I wish you were coming. It's going to be weird without you and Sherry.
    Sniff. We'll try not to have too much fun at the BEACH without you guys. Oh, and did I mention I'm taking the girls to a fabulous like shack on the beach for lunch (cross your fingers we can get in) and then on to a FABULOUS store to shop? Hmmm . . . tempting - yes?
    You can always jump on a plane! I'll stash you in the motorhome so you'd have someplace to sleep! My guest room is WAY TOO CLOSE to Justin's room.
    Why isn't he out of here yet . . . aren't kids supposed to move away when they begin their 20s? JUSTIN! HELLO! Are you listening?
    How is Miss Katie doing?
    And you didn't like my snowman! I am SHOCKED! :) (big grin)
    Got my new car! WHO HOOOOOO!!! Just in time for the girls! I'll post it later.
    Big hugs! Call me when you land at the airport (Ontario) and I'll come get you - any time day or night. :) Just had to throw that in . . .

  55. WOW ! That is some transformation.... great job- it looks awesome !
    thanks for sharing!!!!!


  56. Love the colors you chose and the way you painted it...well done!

  57. Cindy, are you sure he didn't sneak out and buy a brand new picnic table when you weren't looking? That turned out sooooo cute! I love the red and white. Not only is he a building genius, he apparently has some designer traits too! I'm tellin' ya, I need you to rent him to me. I've got SO many projects that I'm sure he could whip out in no time! You two "decorators" make the perfect couple! laurie

  58. Hi sweet friend...

    Girl, I cannot...CANNOT...believe that is even the same picnic table!!! It turned out fabulous and I love the red and white! It really does look sooo pretty on your back porch! Dan is such a talented guy and such a sweet hubby! I tell ya what...it was so difficult not putting him to work when ya'll were here! wink! Hehe! Anyway, I love, love, LOVE your new and improved picnic table and I bet it'll really endure the outdoors with using enamel paint! Tell Dan I said he did GOOD!!! Hey, I think this is the first time that I've gotten a peek at your backyard! It's sooo pretty...very lush and green!!!

    Well Girlfriend, have fun at the fair! Not too much going on here right now. I'll talk with you later, sweet lady!!!

    Love ya,

  59. I am so jealous at how so many of you are so talented, especially your hubby, Cindy. The picnic table is gorgeous!...Christine

  60. That is beautiful! Love the colors...now I can't wait to see a tablescape thursday on this table :)

  61. FABULOUS! It's so cheerful and happy now! Great transformation, so happy to have seen this on MET MONDAY! ...btw, the photos of the deer in your header made my heart skip a beat! I love them!

  62. OK, inspiration transfusion for Tuesday. Just what I needed. Isn't it amazing how just a few coats of paint can change things? Even your day.

    Loved your message yesterday...my storybook life was sweating away in the apartment we're painting and decorating for Comfort Found-Literary Lodging.

    Love to you,

    Sharon Lovejoy Writes from Sunflower House and a Little Green Island

  63. Oh my gosh! Between hubby's job on the table and your chest of drawers makeover, I would say you are two talented people! They are both incredible and I love that they didn't end up i a landfill somewhere, but were repurposed to bring joy to your family. Kudos!

    Yes, yes, come to Florida to meet Sheila and myself, we would have a fab time! Thanks for the birthday wishes, she kept me busy this week and she is a real sweetheart. I love our blogging community!

  64. Hello Cindy, What a wonderful transformation! Your hubby did a wonderful job and I LOVE the colors..it goes perfectly with your shutters. I have a tablecloth just like yours only mine is rectangle for the picnic table...when we can get out there because of the heat humidity and mosquitoes! Have a wonderful Wednesday...Maura :)

  65. It looks brand new, Cindy. Well....because Dan made it that way!! I love how the paint matches your shutters and your A.C. sign. Beautiful! How did you bribe him?

    Our county fair at the lake is held in our town next week. I have always loved going but we have shied away from it since the kids are grown. Maybe I'll go this year for the elephant ears! lol!


  66. I actually read your post about the woodchuck but could not find a place to leave a comment... I have actually never seen one before and wish the picture was better. My interest is peeked though and think I will google it..LOL!

    My name is Sherry and I am new to the Bloggerette Sorority. I wanted to come by and introduce myself. I am sorry that I missed the rush, but I have only been blogging for a few weeks! Looking forward to joining in on the fun to come with everyone. I would be honored if you would stop by my blog at http://scrappingwithsherry1.blogspot.com/. Hope to see you there.

    Take Care~ Sherry F.

  67. I just wanted to stop by and let you know that I linked to this post today from the new Home & Garden channel at Craft Gossip. :) My hope is to share many of the fabulous projects I see everyday with the vast CG audience. I hope you will not only stop by and subscribe to CG, but will tell your friends about the new category! Hope you see some traffic from it!

    Your feature will appear in the main Craft Gossip RSS feed, on the main home page and can be found directly here

    If you would like a "featured by" button, you can grab one here!

  68. Hi Cindy. You're husband did a wonderful job. The transformation is beautiful. Planing the boards down really made it look brand new. I always love seeing your pics. Thanks for sharing them.
    Hugs...Tracy :)


I would love to hear from you. Come back and visit anytime. Warmest Wishes, Cindy